Markers Vs Colored Pencils [What to Use and When to Use]

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Do you know about the different uses of markers and colored pencils? People are frequently perplexed by their applications and substitutes. Inappropriate use of markers or colored pencils can destroy the beauty of a paper or document. That’s why you might want to know about markers Vs colored pencils. Moreover, knowing how and when to use them and the difference between markers and colored pencils is also essential.

Markers and colored pencils are not the same. The ink coverage, in particular, varies. Markers have a thick and large surface area of ink coverage. That means you can draw a large area with a single line using a marker. But colored pencils don’t have wide nibs, and they can draw sharp lines.

So, when you need sharp lining, you can use a colored pencil. When you need to color a large surface area quickly, however, you can use a marker for better coverage. If you want to know about the comparative discussion on colored pencils vs. markers, you should know about them in detail. Let’s see how these two accessories are different and when to use them.

Markers Vs Colored Pencils: Understanding the Differences between Markers and Colored Pencils

Markers and colored pencils are used for coloring and highlighting purposes. So, confusion between these two accessories is common. However, if you want to know about colored pencils Vs markers, you should understand the difference between them. Here are some basic differences you should consider.

  • Color coverage

When using markers or colored pencils for coloring a surface, they provide different coverage. You might know that markers have a wide nib and liquid color. These characteristics enable markers to cover a large area on the surface. On the other hand, colored pencils don’t contain liquid ink. These pencils provide sharp line coverage of color.

  • Coloring material

Markers have liquid ink inside. This ink will provide color on the paper surface. But colored pencils are solid colors like other regular pencils. You have to sharpen the pencil for drawing colors. So, the coloring materials are different for colored pencils and markers.

  • Color control

The control over the coloring process is different for markers and colored pencils. For example, you can control the thickness of lines with colored pencils. When you need thin or thick lines, you have to change the pressure of the pencil on the surface. But you can’t control the marker’s ink instantly.

  • Color blending

If you compare markers vs. colored pencils, the color blending ability is different. When you use a colored pencil, you will have the flexibility of blending the color with different ingredients like oil, alcohol, water, etc. You can create different color layers even with a pencil. But you will only have a minimum amount of flexibility in color blending with markers. 

  • Purpose

Though the purposes of both markers and colored pencils are to color, you should know when to use which one. When you want to color simple items or draw rigid lines, you can use markers. But when you need to draw details in artwork or different shades, you should use colored pencils.

Are Markers Good for Coloring?

Markers are good for coloring large areas. Markers provide a larger coverage of ink and controlling the ink coverage is challenging. So, if you don’t have to draw sharp lines, you can use markers for coloring.

If the outer edge of the coloring is not a big deal, you can easily use markers for coloring. But if the outer edge is an important factor, you should not use markers. For this, you should draw the outer line with a narrow-nibbed coloring pen and then use the marker to color inside the border. Otherwise, markers are good for regular coloring.

What Are the Benefits of Markers?

Using markers has tremendous benefits. Let’s see some of the significant benefits of markers.

  • Flexibility of the surface

One of the many advantages of markers is that they can be used on a variety of surfaces. From paper to canvas, you can use markers for coloring or marking. Moreover, you can use them on boards and glasses. Even on rocks, you can use them. If the marker is permanent, you can also use it on different surfaces.

  • Bold stroke

When you need a consistent and thick line of color, you can use markers. The name of markers also implies that you can use them when you need to bold something.

  • Refillable and simple to use

Since markers’ shapes are like pens, they are very easy to use. Moreover, markers contain colored ink. As a result, you can refill markers once the ink has run out or dried.

What Are the Disadvantages of Markers?

Besides their advantages, markers also have some drawbacks. Here are some disadvantages of using markers that you should consider.

  • Minimum control

When you write with a marker, you can’t control the pressure or color depth. Once you press the nib of a marker, it will fill the surface with ink. Moreover, the markers’ strokes are thick. So, drawing sharp lines with markers will be difficult.

  • Color bleeding

Since you can’t control the stroke of the marker, it can cause color bleeding. Even if the paper is not thick enough, the marker can cause color bleeding.

  • Color blending problem

When you color with markers, you can face problems with blending. Generally, a marker’s ink will dry out on the surface, and you can’t create different shades of a single color with one marker. You have to use multiple shades to create color contrast.

Do Professional Artists Use Markers?

Professional artists use markers regularly. There are a huge variety of markers in different colors and shades. Markers are especially popular among comic artists. Moreover, illustrators and manga artists also use markers.

You know that markers produce wide and bold strokes. So, when artists need to draw bold lines or color surfaces on a large area, they use markers. Markers with wide nibs can cover a large area in a short period of time. So, when an artist needs to draw a large area in a short time, he might use markers instead of other colors.

Are Colored Pencils Good for Coloring?

Colored pencils are amazing for coloring. Color pencils can create color contrast and different color shades. You can also blend colors by creating layers. Even after applying the colors, you can blend them by using alcohol or oil.

From students to professional artists, everyone loves to draw with colored pencils. Moreover, you don’t have to refill the ink in the colored pencil. They are solid, like pencils. So, coloring with a colored pencil is very convenient.

Color pencils have a huge variety of shades. So, they are perfect for realistic and abstract drawing. For these features, colored pencils are suitable for coloring.

What Are the Benefits of Colored Pencils?

When it comes to coloring, colored pencils are one of the best. Colored pencils have some excellent benefits that make them perfect. Consider the following benefits of colored pencils.

  • Excellent control

You can control the colored pencils while drawing. You can draw dark or lighter colors with a single pencil. Furthermore, drawing sharp lines with colored pencils is simple.

  • Easy blending

Colored pencils provide flexible blending of colors. A colored pencil can be used to create shades and contrast. Even using water, oil, alcohol, etc., with the colored pencil, you can blend the color.

  • Accuracy

When you draw lines with a colored pencil, the color doesn’t bleed out of the paper. So, you can draw accurate lines with pencils. Moreover, drawing sharp lines and realistic drawings can be possible with colored pencils.

What Are the Disadvantages of Colored Pencils?

Colored pencils also have some disadvantages. Though the disadvantages are few, they must be considered. Let’s look at some of the drawbacks of colored pencils.

  • Cover small areas

You know that colored pencils can’t cover a large area at a time. It might be good for sharp lining, but when you need to cover a large area with color, using colored pencils can be difficult.

  • Poor color saturation

Coloring with colored pencils can create poor color saturation. When you draw on the paper, the color pigments might not cover the paper thoroughly. So, you will see through some areas of the paper. Without blending, the color will not be saturated completely.

Do Professional Artists Use Colored Pencils?

Professional artists use colored pencils regularly. Generally, colored pencils provide pigments and smooth colors. Moreover, the color varieties of colored pencils make them suitable for creating different shades and contrasts.

On the other hand, colored pencils are very handy since you don’t need to refill ink. So, professionals find these pencils very convenient. Professionals can create different dimensions of artwork with colored pencils. Moreover, colored pencils can draw sharp lines with a thin strokes.

Colored pencils can be used with light and dark shades. Considering these features, professionals use colored pencils and that is for good.

How to Use Markers and Colored Pencils Together?

Now that you know the differences between markers and colored pencils, you might want to use them together. Even with these two, you can make different variations. For example, you can cover the larger area with markers and then draw the borders with colored pencils.

Sometimes we need to draw detailed lines on the drawing. In this case, you can color the surface with markers first, then draw sharp and detailed lines with colored pencils. Giving the painting a final touch with colored pencils will improve its appeal.

See How to Draw With Markers and Colored Pencils Together:

When to Use Markers?

You can use markers when you need to draw something bold. For example, markers are great for doodling. In doodling, the lines are very bold and thick. Markers will help to draw such lines.

Moreover, when you need to fill in any object drawing, you can color the large areas with markers. Markers will color a larger portion in a short time. It will give the surface a bold and deep color.

Sometimes, we need to draw hard surfaces with bold colors. You can use markers there because markers are flexible to use on different surfaces.

When to Use Colored Pencils?

You should use colored pencils when you have to draw something in detail. For example, when you draw realistic drawings, colored pencils will help you draw detailed lining. When the paper thickness is not great, you should use colored pencils because they don’t bleed through the paper.

Moreover, you can use colored pencils when you need a light stroke of color. Besides, you can use them while sketching. These pencils are suitable for both abstract and realistic drawings. You can draw borders with colored pencils, too. Sometimes, the color saturation can be poor, and you can blend the color with colored pencils as well.

Should You Use Markers or Colored Pencils?

There is no exact answer to this question because both can be used for different purposes. You have to know the purpose of using color before you can choose one of them. They can also be used in conjunction.

However, if your drawing needs detailed, realistic, and sharp lines, then colored pencils will be good. Moreover, if the surface is not thick, colored pencils will work better.

On the other hand, if the surface is firm enough, markers will also do better. If you want to color a large portion at a time, markers will do it quickly. Moreover, creating bold and vibrant colors can be possible. So, you have to think about which type of color you want, and then you can decide which one you should use.

See Markers VS Colored Pencils Art:

How Much to Pay for Colored Pencils and Markers?

Colored pencils are cheaper than markers. Since markers ink is expensive, the price of markers is higher than the price of colored pencils. However, when it comes to buying a set of colored pencils or markers, the price can vary according to brand.

On average, you have to pay $10 to $40 for a full set of colored pencils. On the other hand, you have to pay $50 to $100 for a full set of markers. Generally, 12 pieces are available in a set. However, the price of markers is pretty much double that of colored pencils.

Final Thoughts

From students to artists, everyone needs markers or colored pencils for coloring and marking purposes. There are a lot of differences between these two types of stationaries. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. So, when it comes to your purpose of coloring, you have to look for details.

In general, if you want a colored source for drawing sharp lines, colored pencils will be better. But markers will be suitable for drawing wide lines and providing wide coverage of colors. Besides, some other differences make them special. That’s why it’s your choice whether you should use markers or colored pencils.

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